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Re:The battle continues easy way to find a short

Subject: Re:The battle continues easy way to find a short
From: "Mr. McDougall" <>
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2005 08:29:54 -0700 (PDT)
Hi :
This is for the poor soul with an electrical drain on
the battry.  You can easily find a short by the
following proceedure.
Get a 12volt test light or a volt meter.
disconnect the NEG side of the battery.
connect the test light or volt meter betweeen the
battery negative post and the ground strap.
IF you see light! you have a short to ground.
If you use a meter, its easier to see small shorts.
The easy way to find it is to simply remove 1 fuse at
a time until the light goes out, then you know what
system is draining your battery.  
But What if you take out all the fuses and the light
is still on???  Then you have a drain on a non fuses
element such as the alternator? not sure but you will
know its not anything that is in the fuse box.
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