They will try anything! For what I understand, the spark will find the
path of least resistance and go to that one point only. The benefits of
multiple ground points is as the plug wears and the ground point becomes
corroded, the spark jumps to the next path of least resistance. These guys
want you to think the spark jumps in 10 different directions at once -
rrriiighttt.... The thing that upsets me about Sids post - I did not see
the supermodel:(
-----Original Message-----
From: sidney raper []
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 11:19 PM
Subject: Another new be all end all spark plug
I read about the firestorm spark plug. Sounded like tripe to me and I went
on my merry business. Well, I had to go by Lowes today, and spotted
something interesting. It was another new miracle sparkplug. Guaranteed
for LIFE no less. I am sure that it also removes liver spots, enhances your
sex drive, clears acne, and is also a chic accessory that will be worn by
all of the supermodels. Anyway, since this is actually available in stores
- not just on websites where toothpicks are used to assemble them - I
thought I would solicit opinions from this esteemed group.
I am on digest, so if you reply to the list, I won't see it for a few
Sidney Raper
1964 1500 (still a project.... sigh....)
1967 SRL311 00076 (alive again!)
Jacksonville Florida