LOL!! This is getting SOOOOO damn good right now. I'm selling my TV and
buying a bigger, badder computer so I can get all this stuff real time now!
Who knew they'd somehow bring Stan into this? Classic! Now Stan will write an
indignant reply to this unfounded accusation and the List Wars will just be
For those of you who are disgusted by this, don't worry, it will all be over
soon enough.
> From:
> Date: 2005/05/04 Wed PM 08:46:48 GMT
> To:
> CC:
> Subject: Re: DONATED ? prizes at Solvang
> YES STAN, I do remember that!!
> Hey Stan, why can't you go ahead and sign your name to these posts, who are
> you hiding from??
> Let's get to the meat of this crap, you have an axe to grind with Dean and
> because of that Axe you have to use false psuedonyms and try to defame other
> people to promote your agenda here on the Roadster List.
> Identify yourself, quit hiding!!
> I spoke to Kerry and Jeannie Dehmel and quit the FresnoDROC club, because of
> exactly what they said at the show was FALSE!!
> Whether or not you want to agree with what I said earlier or not Dean
> Apostle donated those prizes to the show, whether you like it or not. I am
> going to retract any statements I have made.
> As a matter of fact, no other vendor who donated prizes to this show,
> donated any where near the value of free prizes, minus what FresnoDROC paid,
> amounted to what Mr. Apostle donated.
> You can complain all you want but he helped out every owner that won a prize
> at the show, the only one who is confused is you.
> Grow Up and quit hiding!!