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Re: CA info: Registration restrictions

Subject: Re: CA info: Registration restrictions
From: L Jordan <>
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2005 18:44:52 -0700
What's really amazing here in Los Angeles is that we have scads of 
illegals with illegal, non registered cars and no insurance but because 
of Special Order 40 and other policies not much is done...and in fact 
there is a periodic call for providing licenses to illegals so that they 
can  "get to work" which assumes they will buy insurance. Imagine what 
our freeways would be like  then, as if they are not bad enough now.
It's a rant-a-thon:-)
68 1600

Andrew Murphy wrote:

> In Cali we do have PNO- Planned Non Operation. You pay a small fee- I 
> think it is 15.00 and basically is in effect until you decide to 
> activate the vehicle. I do not think they can require you to insure a 
> car in this situation.
> There are rules. The car cannot be on any public street. If it can get 
> a parking ticket, it has to be registered. You can tow the car from 
> one location to the other, but it can't be moved under its own power. 
> There are other things but those are the basics.
> When you are ready, you then go to the DMV and you only have to pay 
> for the registration cost of that year. I think it is better than 
> letting the car fall out of the system as in Cali you then have to 
> trailer the car to the DMV for inspection or have a law enforcement 
> office sign the inspection form.  I was lucky as I know a cop who used 
> to drive a radical 510.
> As for trying to legislate our cars off of the road, I don't see that 
> happening anytime soon. California has a huge aftermarket economy for 
> classic cars and our representatives in Sacramento hear from us loud 
> and clear that we do not want to lose our vehicles.
> Andrew Murphy
> 1967.5 2000
> SRL311-00489

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