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more brake questions...

To: "" <>
Subject: more brake questions...
From: "Jim Sylvester" <>
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2005 07:58:08 -0600
Thanks for all the great advice with my caliper work.couldn't keep the car
on the road without you!


One of the guys mentioned I should blow out all my lines while I'm doing
brake work.  That seems like a great idea to ensure the lines are free from
37 years of crud that could foul all my hard work to restore the system.


The question is:  How best to blow out the lines?  I don't have an air
compressor, but might be persuaded to get a cheap one.  Still, since I'm in
Dallas and we're approaching the rainy season, won't I just be blowing
compressed humid air into the lines?  Is that what I want to be doing?


I would be thankful for any recommendations on techniques you've used to
clear your lines during a rebuild of the system.


Thanks again!      

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