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Re: The horsehair controversy <on topic>

To: "Marc&Heidi" <>, <>
Subject: Re: The horsehair controversy <on topic>
From: "Mark Sedlack" <>
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 10:17:14 -0400
When I disassembled our 66, which had never been apart, there were several
different types of material between the body tub and the frame - at the four
main mounting points ( two at front, two at rear) were 1/2" thick,
multilayered belting,  at the remaining 10 bolt locations were clips with
captive nuts, padded with thinner, multi-layered belting approx. 1/8 - 3/16"
thick.  Then on the upturn angled surface just ahead of the rear axle was a
pad of matted hair ( horse, rat, human?) impregnated with oil.  There may
have been some under the footwells, but the floors were too rusted to tell
(I plan to use some there)

The main body mounts can be replaced using scraps of industrial belting of
appropriate thickness, and the hair mats can be replaced using closed-cell
foam like that found in a camping mat or garden kneeling pad 3/8 thick

R content: The body tub is up on the rotisserie, and work is coming along on
smoothing out the ravages of time.  Will have pics / pages up on the website
very soon.

Mark Sedlack
Cuyahoga Falls OH
66 1600
77 280Z

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Marc&Heidi" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2004 8:53 AM
Subject: The horsehair controversy <on topic>

> Does 3/8 inch sound right here?  I have heard mention of conveyor belt
> scraps being used for the horsehair.  I was wondering also about pieces
> of rebonded rubber fatigue mat material, and a closed-cell foam like
> ethafoam.
> Yours in plastic,
> Marc
> On Aug 5, 2004, at 5:15 AM, <> wrote:
> > 1. What material and thickness can I use to replace the horse hair
> > between frame and body?
> >
> ===============================================
> Marc Tyler Sisterdale TX
> 1970 1600 #SPL311-31016
> 1965 L-320 #L320 013642

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