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Re: Mt Shasta Police incident, Update:

Subject: Re: Mt Shasta Police incident, Update:
From: Stan Chernoff <>
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2004 12:19:09 -0700
I have attended the Mt. Shasta meets every year since the Bradstock
brothers created a scene at Lalo's Mexican restaurant, at least 12 years
ago and likely more.  During all these years there was no problem with the
police except the year they cracked down on speeding after a Datsun crashed
into the trees off of the road down from the ski lodge and someone was
killed.  I like to drive fast but it is not appropriate in a sleepy town.

We do not need a self appointed spokesperson to incite people on the
roadster list and antagonize the local police and city officials.  The
individuals involved should be able to speak for themselves.  The
likelihood of a problem with the local establishment in the future is
higher if outsiders are incited by an individual to contact the police and
others and complain about something they didn't witness.  Rumors that
"SOMEONE" said that something was said by a policeman on Friday only
exacerbate likely problems for the future and seems to be a ploy to cause
people to be against the police.  I hope that the instigator is not
planning a "Class Action" lawsuit because he reported that an officer said
that he was better off keeping quiet.  Keeping quiet when dealing with
police that have been called to a scene is usually good advice.

This was apparently not a criminal situation, however about 11pm on
Saturday night there was a lot of noise coming from the area of the
Mountain Aire motel that could be heard at the back of the Strawberry
Valley which was several hundred feet away and across the street.  The
celebration and its resulting noise has been an annual event at the
Mountain Aire for many years and I have participated before and would have
this year but was bs'ing at the SV.

Please refrain from causing problems with the police because they will win
and we don't need any problems.  In another email the instigator said: "I
immediately pointed it out to the Officers that they were out of line as
you all know."  That was sure to make them happy and calm the situation.
Who knows if they were out of line?

This is the first reported encounter with the local police in all of the
years that we have attended the meet at Mt Shasta.  Maybe it was the
instigator and his attitude and incitement.  Soliciting negative comments
from non-participants is a likely way to have future problems.

I think that we should drop the hassle with the city.  This is a local
situation and should NOT be broadcast to the whole list in the future.

Maybe the instigator could do something to reduce the smelly hippie types
on the city sidewalks.


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