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Re: Shasta accomadations and problems:

To: <>
Subject: Re: Shasta accomadations and problems:
From: "mike" <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2004 17:24:08 -0500
I am a roadster owner that considered flying (Long way, Lots of $$) from
Kansas City to the Shasta meet. For scheduling reasons, I was not able to
attend. I am concerned about the quality of service from any person or
establishment that charges me money for said service, and especially about
matters concerning inappropriate behavior from law enforcement (in ANY
country). I would like to know more about any issues regarding the Shasta
Meet that were less than satisfactory.
Mike H.  67-2600
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "datsun" <>
To: <>; <>
Cc: <>; <>;
<>; <>
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2004 10:33 AM
Subject: Re: Shasta accomadations and problems:

> Please share why they approached you and what they said. I think we should
all know especially if you believe it was a abuse of power.
> Dean
> wrote:
> Hello all, I would really appreciate some input from all that went to
> regarding the accomadations at Strawberry Valley Inn and at the Mt Aire
> Phyllis has asked me to follow up with the owner of the properties
> booking problems and problems with the rooms. I would like a count if
> possible of how many rooms we filled at both places and if there were any
> repair issues at either place. It seems like prices have been going up or
> different per room. What I am going to try to do is to talk to the owner
> get a group rate discount for both places and also to have repairs done.
> all spend good money when we go there and should get what we pay for, and
as a
> large group we should be getting a discount.
> Another issue that came up is with the Police department, I was totally
> embarressed as an American, when after the dinner on Saturday night two
> Officers came to the Mt Aire and proceeded to Speak to all of you, our
> in a manner that was inappropriate. I do know we were not being loud and
> that we experienced the a poor approach by the Officers. I immediately
> it out to the Officers that they were out of line as you all know. I can
> assure all of you from Canada and Japan that I will be speaking with the
> of Police this week and demand an apology. No one deserves to be spoken to
> that manner, There could have been better tact involved on their part. I
> like to know of any problems that you may have had with the Police
> during the weekend so that I may address that as well. I do know that they
> made some comments to the Canadian group early in the weekend and would
> an account of what was said.
> I do hope that all of you had a good time, I certainly did. I hope to see
> all of you next year at Shasta if not earlier.
> Thanks, Gerardo Magana

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