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Re: Body/Frame Alignment

To: Cindy Wilson <>,
Subject: Re: Body/Frame Alignment
From: Mike Harper <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 14:44:17 -0700 (PDT)
It can be done, but you can't move it much.  You will
need to be sure you jack up the body so it seperates
from the frame.  To move it as much as you are talking
about, you may need new holes in the body to allign to
the captive nuts???I was able to move my '66 over
about 1/8 inch without re-drilling anything...YMMV

Mike SC-

-- Cindy Wilson <> wrote:
> Hello Roadster Owners. My name is Guy Wilson and I
> recently purchased a 1970
> 2000 . This is my second roadster as I already have
> a 1965 1500 that was
> mostly complete when I bought it a few years ago. I
> have been what you call
> a lurker on the list since optaining the first car .
> Many of the items
> discussed have been very helpful as I learn more
> about these cars.
> The body on the 2000 is mis-aligned to the frame in
> the front by about 1
> inch and in the rear by about 3/8 inch, needing to
> slide left.  Since I'm
> not ready for a frame off  restoration yet, I
> thought I could loosen the
> body ( I found 7 mounts per side) and slide it over.
> Well, it didn't move
> with two of us lifting and pushing. Did I miss
> loosening something or is
> this just not possible to do since the rubber is old
> and taken a set into
> the holes?  I figure someone has tried this and can
> provide some helpful
> info. Thanks
> Guy Wilson
> 1965 1500
> 1970 2000


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