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on dim lights and timing

Subject: on dim lights and timing
From: <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 05:30:05 GMT
First, thanks to all who responded to my postings on the dim headlight and my 
timing issue.  I see that it generated a lot of chat!  An update:  The 
headlight is now fully bright, and the answer apparently was in the fuse... not 
blown, but by just moving it a bit, I believe this lead to the light working.  
However, it dims still on high beam setting.  I will review the previous posts 
as I continue my investigation, though I did open the relay and clean it some.  
I also noticed that on the headlight that works normally, when on low beams, 
one power wire is energized, the other is not.  When you switch on the high 
beams, they swap.  On the "dimming" headlight, both power wires have voltage at 
low beam, and one does not when I hit the high beams... go figure (damn 
wiring... grumble grumble).  I also noted that the properly working fuse is 
much hotter to the touch than the other.  Regarding the timing on my 2 liter, I 
noticed that the plate that secures the distributor to the base had some play 
in it... I could wiggle the dizzy back and forth more than I could on the 1600, 
so I carefully tightened up the bolt that holds the plate to the dizzy, and 
made sure I bolted the dizzy down tight.  This (or some other random thing) 
appears to have helped my timing jump a lot... it still shakes some but not 
with the wide timing swings I was seeing yesterday.  However, I would still 
love to hear of alternative timing systems or gain additional insight into what 
might be causing the jump (is it just a 30 year old car?).  I did not mention 
earlier that this is an electronic "Gary Boone" style distributor that I and 
another friend did years ago.  As far as I can tell, it is still tight and in 
good shape.  I would like to talk to Gary however, so if you are out there Gary 
or if someone has his email, please let me know.  Look forward to seeing some 
of you at Blue Lake on Sunday!
Greg Burrows

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