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Rear end swap

To: <>
Subject: Rear end swap
From: <>
Date: Sun, 30 May 2004 05:37:15 -0500
Hi gang,
I asked several weeks ago about swapping out my 1600 rear end with my
2000 rear end since I'm dropping the 2000 drive train into a restored
1600 car. Everyone who commented said to leave the 1600 rear end in
because of the better "off the line" performance. 
The question I failed to ask was, will a 1600 drive train perform well
with a 2000 rear end installed? I other words, I'm dropping a 1600 drive
train into the old 2000 body and selling it. Should I swap out the rear
ends and keep a 1600 engine with a 1600 rear end? I hope this makes
Steve Harvey 

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