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OT: VC of VL: Vehicular Correctness of Victor Laury

To: Victor Laury <>,
Subject: OT: VC of VL: Vehicular Correctness of Victor Laury
From: "O'Farrell, Fergus" <>
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2004 13:16:25 -0700
Ahh, Victor,
<<everone can attest that I am a very conservative, reserved, adult driver,...>>

adult and conservative? we don't discuss politics here.
reserved? Well, let's just say in all of my roadster runs to date I have left 
more in the 'reserve' tank than you, but at all times on Saturday I was 
completely safe and non-threatening, non-invasive to the general public.  
(also, I am now better prepared to explore the extremities of that 'reserve' 
tank, which then classifies you as an 'influence'.... but that only further 
develops this OT subject)
By the look of the H-D's at the roadhouse, we were not the loudest to tour 
those roads that day, not by any means.  If the residents of the mountain roads 
find two "conservative, reserved, adult" males roaring laughing at high volume 
offensive, well, I think my conscience can endure that.  There are many things 
more damaging to the environment than laughter.   
end of philosophy soapbox, back to work boys, 
FergO, still with a grin from bumpy canyon roads and LSD u-turns (limited slip, 
that is)

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