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a couple quick questions about the U20 engine

To: <>
Subject: a couple quick questions about the U20 engine
From: "jerry thompson" <>
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2004 21:19:45 -0700
First of all, I would like to thank all of you for your help It is greatly
 I have a 69 2000 that diesel's all the time with no avail trying to fix,
timing is 15 before, recent plugs, points, ect. I have tried leaning the carbs
all the way, and turning them to full rich with no change, The car seems to
run great down the road, lot of power, good mileage 20-24 mpg.  This is with
the carbs at full lean as they were when I bought the car.
The other thing I would like to know is how many miles it generally takes to
wear out the upper chain on these? This car has had it changed 3 times that I
know of and it seems like it is loose to me when I checked it today. It has
about 5-6000 miles since last change, but maybe all the dieseling has streched
it. Thanks Jerry

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