The 69/70 models use a different turn
signal switch from the 68 models. Make
sure you have the same year parts here.
That is probably why your connectors are
I have a clean, color coded 69 wiring
diagram on my web site, and links to's wiring diagrams for other
years. Check the TECH page if you need
these diagrams.
69 2000 "Mr. Hyde"
Portland, Oregon
-----Original Message-----
From: C. Halsted
Sent: Saturday, April 03, 2004 6:15 AM
Subject: wiring harness blues or "Please
Help Me!"
I'm hoping someone can help me out with
this one. working on a 68 2000. had
melted wires in dash harness. replaced
that harness with a good "late
production" harness. this necessitated
changing out the B switch on console,
the turnsignal assembly, and there's a 2
wire plug as one of the 2 firewall
area plugs that goes to the rear harness
that needs to connect to 3 wires
going into the rear harness. colors of
the 2 are faded yellow and faded red
it appears, then there is a green with
white stripe left over coming up out
of the rear harness. isn't that a ground
of some sort? what can I attach it
to? still not getting any headlights
coming off headlight switch, although I
am getting running lights have checked
the fuses and headlight bulbs, they
appear fine, don't seem to be getting
any juice to the headlights. can't get
the test light to light up. now the
strange part. since putting on the later
turnsignal assembly, a 9 pin instead of
6 pin plug that was on it before, if
I connect the starter harness the horn
comes on. without the key on. if I
disconnect the turnsignal harness plug,
no horn blowing obviously, but can
turn on the running lights and can start
the car. if horns are disconnected
at the horns, and turnsignal harness
hooked up, when I touch battery cable
to battery sounds like the headlight
relay clicks. could I have the wires
crossed up on the relay somehow? what
could be getting crossed up? could the
ignition switch itself be bad?
any input appreciated. been working on
this under a big tarp draped over the
car and the trailer it's on for days now
and it's driving me nuts. haven't
spent all that much time actually,
weather really sucks, but I need to get
it done and the car delivered up to
Seymour, Connecticut. I can swap a
harness out fine, but I'm really into
territory where I'm pretty
undereducated. I think I'd rather swap
out an engine than the dash harness
on a late roadster. would probably be
easier if I had one that matched to
put back in. I still learn something
every day it seems.
Thanks in advance,