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Re: On the subject of seat belts.

Subject: Re: On the subject of seat belts.
From: Phill Brook <>
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2004 16:34:04 +1100
The biggest problem Brian will face with harnesses purchased from overseas is 
that they won't have an Australian Certification number. They may may meet or 
exceed the standard but that will count for nothing when the registration 
authorities inspect them.

It is a bummer because I wanted to get a set of Nismo Harnesses when I was in 
Japan but they don't carry any Australian recognised certification, even for 
racing purposes.

There are a number of Aussie cars (including mine) running around with Sabelt 
harnesses that are certified for Australian use. They can be hard to find, 
especially where Brian lives.

Brian, try Revolution Racegear in Darwin:
2 Frank Place, Berrimah (08) 8947 2695 

Phill Brook

----- Original Message -----
Date: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 4:06 pm
Subject: Re: On the subject of seat belts.

> Give
> a
> try (use the link because direct access will sometimes put you through
> a loop hole or list higher prices).
> You can also access the site through and the "hi
> perf products" link up top.
> I am not entirely certain about their int'l shipping policies even
> though Nepal as listed as a option.  On the other hand, if their
> policies allow shipments to Nepal I can say that I am absolutely
> certain they will ship to Oz.
> Decent prices too.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Rourke, Brian" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 18:13
> Subject: On the subject of seat belts.
> > I have been looking for a safer 3 point harness system for my 1970
> 2000
> > here in Australia. No luck so far. Can anybody on the list point me
> in
> > the direction of a supplier in the USA that has a web site and is
> happy
> > to send over seas.

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