I've got a few too but I'm not willing to sell them either. I gave away a
few to my friends a few years back and used some others for barter.
I also have the 67.5 poster that I convinced my local dealer to take off his
showroom wall when I drove up in my roadster. Most of the salesmen never saw
a roadster in person and they were quite taken back, especially by the
engine and those funny looking carbs and that great looking dash. I guess it
also helped that I've been buying parts from them since the very early 70s
which the parts manager confirmed.
Too bad I didn't get the parts books before they threw them out many years
ago. He was pissed that his helpers didn't save the books for me. When they
got the fiche in they canned the books w/o telling him.
Although when they moved the service and parts department to a new location
last year I did pick up a few goodies they didn't know they had and kept
them in a box for me for when I would show up next. Al, the service manager,
always takes good care of me. We know each other since we each had full head
of hair - and that was a looong time ago :)