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N-41 Battery options

To: <>
Subject: N-41 Battery options
From: "nathaniel leeds" <>
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2003 07:41:04 -0800

I am finally getting far enough along on my U-20 that I need a battery.
I noticed originally the car had a small, skinny battery called a n-41.
I'm not sure how available this battery is anymore.  What other
batteries have people used and what have they done to make them fit.
(Or does someone have a good source for the n-41?)


p.s. When I dropped off my U20 at my machinists  in Longmont Colorado he
showed me another U20 that he's done and is sitting waiting for parts.
Does anyone know who's engine this might be?  Also had a 1926 Aluminum
Block Chrysler (apparently the bearings were custom made for $3000 bucks
- ouch I'm glad I don't have that bug) 

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