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RE: Bits and Pieces (adding up the receipts)

Subject: RE: Bits and Pieces (adding up the receipts)
From: "Ryan, Richard" <>
Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2002 10:40:53 -0800
This reminds me of a good story.

A friend built a Caterham Super 7 from a kit.  His wife knew how much he
paid for the kit.  She kept asking how much he spent on the other bits. He
always blew her off and never told her.

One day at an autocross he set up a video camera on the roll bar to record
the days activities.  While waiting to go our and after turning on the
camera, some one comes up to him and asks "How much did it cost you to build
the 7?"  John responds "I've got about $35,000 in it."

That night he showed his wife the video.  She came close to castrating him. 

Dick Ryan  ex. 24022
Risk Management Dept. 
SM 960/4
FAX (650)312-5830

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, December 22, 2002 8:42 AM
To: Andrew Murphy;
Subject: Re: Bits and Pieces (adding up the receipts)

My fiance asks me how much I've spent on the car so far.  I just reply
honestly, "I don't know."  I know it's a lot.  Heck, I now own 3 of them for
starters.  She wants to know if I "could have bought the ring by now."

I'll add it all up when I'm done.  Until then, I think it would be too
depressing (all that money, nothing to drive yet).

67.5 1600's

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