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Who's who

Subject: Who's who
From: (Frank Roggeband)
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 10:01:03 -0400
I might as well add to this since I don't post here that often and an
update is well overdue.

My name is Frank Roggeband and I am 37 years old and single. I am an
Electronics Technician and currently employed as a Level III Maintenance
Technician for Qualex Canada. Qualex is the photofinishing division of
Kodak. By day I repair and maintain high volume film and paper processors,
high speed printers, digital film scanners, cd and floppy disk producers,
automated packaging equipment and even the waste water and effluent
processing systems.

Those who were on the list last year probably know that I am the very
lucky owner of a 67.5 1600 that was broken up and lost by a very ....
hard to put into words how this person was. I have owned that car since
1996 and have been on this list for almost as long.

With the help of a few very wonderful people, some of whom held onto
whatever parts of my car ended up in their posession and others who were
able to point me in the right direction, I was able to recover all the
missing pieces.

Over the past year I have removed myself from a very bad situation and
with the help of councelling, I have been dealing with depression for
as long as I can remember, I am better able to deal with all the
trouble that has been going on. I have purchased a house, with a garage
of course, and have begun restoration on the 510 and naturally the roadster.
The house needed a lot of work and I have spent a lot of money and time
on it so far. Like the cars and myself it is a very long process but well
worth it.

My friend Doug, a professional body man and restoration specialist is
helping me out with both cars. If not for money but for the love of the
cars. Doug is also a 510 owner, until recently that is, and a fellow
Datsun fanatic. As Doug says "Inside this garage are two of the coolest
cars ever built. The best part is... next spring... we can cruise in both
of them!" I don't know about the 510 wagon but I have heard that the
roadster is a chick magnet. Any comments?

Frank Roggeband  | 67.5 1600, 69 1600, 71 510 wagon, 75 710, 93 KingCab 
Grimsby Ontario  |
Canada           | email-->
Electronics Technician and Datsun Enthusiast.

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