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The first "bad" news from my restoration

Subject: The first "bad" news from my restoration
From: "Andrew Murphy" <>
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 17:28:06 -0700
Hello All,

One thing I will say for Ross is that he is an information superhighway when 
it comes to keeping me informed about what is going on with my restoration. 
Almost every other day I get pictures and write ups on what is being done 
and also to ask me for decisions on various issues. For the most part, 
things have gone smoothly.

Today I got some pics of a previously undiscovered rust area on the inside 
passenger fender. Nothing serious and he is already repairing the damage. 
Then there is issue of my engine block.

I had pulled the engine/tranny from the car soon after I parked it for 
dismantling. It had always run faithfully for me and I had very few problems 
with it. In fact, it always was REALLY fast.

So I was dismayed to hear that one of the castings that bolts the tranny to 
the block is missing. Technically, the block is cracked, but it is not like 
it is cracked across the top but just at the point where it bolts to the 

Still, it will require some fancy welding to repair and although I have 
every confidence in Ross, needless to say I am bummed. Still, this is the 
matching block and Ross told me that he will do whatever he can to repair it 
so I will have the four major mount points between the block and tranny 

Just another day in restoration paradise.

Andrew Murphy

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