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Re: Tweedle, Tweedle

To: "Jon and Maggie" <>
Subject: Re: Tweedle, Tweedle
From: "John F Sandhoff" <>
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 22:50:51 -0700
> My latest has a tweedle, tweedle, tweedle sound at idle.  As I recall, this
> sound occurs when the smog rail is removed and the holes simply plugged.

That's correct.
Rallye used to market a two-piece plug kit but last I checked they didn't
carry it any more.
Tom Walter used to make a nice kit but he hasn't had time to churn any
out for quite some time.

> Also, the fan is hard mounted.  This creates unnecessary noise at high 
> rpms. The original had a fan clutch...

The fan clutch created unnecessary cries of anguish from Roadster
owners when it failed and your engine fried itself. You do not want a
clutch. You want a 4-blade fan. Bet you have a 7-blader, don't you?
They really scream, don't they? (I have one at present, swapped on
when my flexfan exploded and chopped my fuel line while exiting the
freeway. But I digress).

The vendors carry new 4 bladers.

-- John
     John F Sandhoff   Sacramento, CA

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