This is the first warning of a potentially very nice ride in the mid coast
Maine area on Sunday Oct.13.
This is foreign car day at the Owls Head Transportation Museum. The leaves
are just starting to turn so there should be a good display in 2 weeks.
Millard Davis in his 4.3 v6 conversion and I will be winding our way through
the countryside to OwlsHead Sunday morning which is just a couple miles from
Rockland, Me. We invite anyone to come up an join us. I live about 13
miles from Bangor which is 2 1/2-3 hours up the interstate from the Maine/NH
border. I have one fold out couch inside and 40 acres for camping (tent/air
mattresses, sleeping bags can be provided). Plenty of motels in the Bangor
area. I'm not sure yet but think I may have the 14th off for Columbus day
and probably could be easily convinced to head towards Mass. after seeing
the cars at the museum if I do...If anyone is interested in coming up let me
know and we'll fine tune the arrangements.
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