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Re: Arizona is burning.

To: "'Roadsters (E-mail)'" <>
Subject: Re: Arizona is burning.
From: Tom Hendricksen <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 18:45:44 -0700
RIGHT ON !!!  Well said.

I hope you sent something like this everyone you can find in your inactive
State government.  I am forwarding this to people I know who either live in
Arizona year-round, like my Snowbird parents, own property in Arizona that
they occupy about 1/2 of the year.

Tom Hendricksen

Guy Pepoy wrote:

> Hi Dan,
> It would be grossly improper to be critical of those risking their lives
> to protect our property and way of life.  I will  not do so.  I am nothing
> but completely thankful for all their efforts, sweat and blood.  However,
> I do not feel so restrained to take a shot at our State's leadership.
> Limp at best.  My old military training screams that this crisis needed
> aggressive, take no prisoners ACTION.   No hand wringing bureacratic
> bull.  We had many local resources that could have been used to
> immediately carve a swath across Arizona.  Our mines have some of the
> largest and most intimidating earth moving equipment in the world.  Some
> of these mines are no less than 1 to 1.5 hours from the fire site.  Our
> local DOT road equiment could have been used to support a massive
> aggressive effort. Ditto forestry equipment and our national guard. I
> drove up to this area at 7:00 am on Thursday.  I expected to see convoys
> of equipment going north.  I drove up to this area unimpeded.  Nothing was
> on the road.  Nada, zippo.  Our fearless governor was proper and worked
> according to procedure....and Arizona burned.  They let it get ahead of
> them.  They had inadequate resources.  They were not prepared to act
> immediately and decisively and with 100% AGGRESSIVE commitment. This fire
> was not a surprise.  We all expected it to happen.  The conditions were
> perfect.  A four year drought. No rain. No snow Massive amounts of tinder
> dry fuel.  They missed the target.  The local people and economy will pay
> for their actions for many, many years to come.  Hows that for Monday
> morning quarterbacking?
> Guy
> Tempe, AZ
> Dan Neff wrote:
> > Guy Pepoy wrote:
> > > ... Colorado was on fire at the time.  Arizona was not.  I replied
> > > that the situation was "spooky".  The entire state was so tinder dry
> > > and explosive.  Well, as most know, the monster has emerged from the
> > > nest and is eating the world as I know it.  ...  Last night, we were
> > > ordered to evacuate.  ... Over 300,000 acres have already been
> > > burned black.  Last night we went up to a point where we could view
> > > the holocast.  The fire line is over 50 miles long.  When looking at
> > > it you must move your head to see the whole thing (covers about 200
> > > degrees or so).  The smoke plume was over 30,000 feet high and
> > > looked like a red cloud from hell.  ...
> >
> >   Yike! I guess they almost have our front range fire under control;
> > altho durango and south fork aren't.. We had some evac's about 5 miles
> > from where I live. They're still fighting it though, and the weather -
> > hot, dry and windy is still nasty. I don't know how they do it.
> >   Hope they get the AZ fire under control soon!! We're getting the AZ
> > smoke clear up here!! Gripes my !@(** too - the news sez there's a 1/2
> > doz slurry bomber equipped planes SITTING at Ft.Carson -- but the Army
> > can't be called in until the Forest Service runs OUT of resources. Way
> > to go guys.. Your bureaucracy in-inaction..
> >
> > dan neff    '69 2000
> > Colorado Springs, CO
> >
> >
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