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Re: Greasing front suspension (and list comments)

Subject: Re: Greasing front suspension (and list comments)
From: "Stephen McCartney" <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 09:11:39 +0000
Finally got around to greasing the front end.

I counted 19 nipples - 9 on each side plus an extra one on the passenger 
side on the pivot point that kind of corresponded to the steering box on the 
drivers side (dunno if that made a lot of sense)

I checked the diagrams in the manual, and couldn't find any that I'd missed. 
  Is this right, guys?  Or is there a couple that I'm likely to have missed. 
  She certainly FEELS a lot better.  Some seals have gone, but all the 
squeaks have gone away, along with the bumpiness that had developed.

Guys, I'd really, REALLY hate to lose some guys off the list over some 
people getting the (mistaken) that you can design ANYTHING by committee.  I 
consider a fair number of guys here to be friends of mine, and I'd hate to 
lose touch with any of them.

Cheers all,
('68 2000 Solex)

>From: "Jim Cawrse" <>
>To: "Stephen McCartney" <>
>Subject: Re: Greasing front suspension (and hi!)
>Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 20:15:26 -0400
>Any high quality grease will do.  LMM probably means
>somthing about lithium and molibdinum, both additives
>that make the grease "greasier".  As far as the specific
>locations, just look carefully at one side, and
>there is a fitting like it on the other side.  Keep
>track of them, and when you get to 21 or so you
>can stop.  Dont forget the one on the passanger side
>by the rear axle for the emergency brake pivot.
>Use an old rag to wipe the nipple before you grease, so
>you dont drive any dirt into the fitting.  If your
>seals are decayed, or gone, just plan on greasing
>a little more often, and wipe up the excess that
>oozes out.  (or spend lots of time and a fair amount
>of money putting new seals/boots on everything).
>Best Regards,
>Chesapeake Va
>67 pushrod 2L 5spd
>72 510 wagon
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Stephen McCartney
>Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 7:49 PM
>Subject: Greasing front suspension (and hi!)
>Hi all,
>Haven't been here for a while.  Changed careers (fairly dramatically, too -
>from recruitment to retail) and been off-line for a bit.
>Anyway, my roadster has been doing well - we've had some fun times recently
>with the club, and I may even scan some photos and give you an update on
>stuff happening in my corner of downunder.
>In the meantime, I was wondering if anyone has a diagram or picture that
>shows where all the twenty-something lubrication points in the front end
>are?  Do they all have grease nipples?  Do you need anything special, or
>will a normal grease gun do the job.  And finally, what type of grease
>should I use?  A guy at worked suggested a "LMM" type (can't remember what
>that stood for, though...) for that job.
>Thanks in advance.
>('68 2000 Solex - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
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