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The countdown has begun (Long)

Subject: The countdown has begun (Long)
From: "Andrew Murphy" <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2002 10:26:57 -0700
Hello All,

Those of you who know me (and many that don't) are aware that I have been 
planning the restoration of my 67.5 2000 for almost two years now. I have 
dropped copius amounts of money buying parts, spent a lot of hours 
dismantling the car and lately have been boxing all of the parts and 
preparing them for delivery to the restorer.

I had originally intended to do as much of the restoration as I could 
myself, but quickly found out that it was more work than I was willing to do 
AND maintain a life. I respect people that do the work themselves (Paul 
Bauman and Jon Frampton come to mind), but I don't have the time to devote 
to it. Still, I worked hard to get the funds to make this possible.

This weekend I am going to my dad's house (where the car is stored) and I am 
going to start the photo journal of the car's restoration. I will be 
updating my personal website with the info and will keep it updated 
throughout its restoration. The restorer has promised me that I will get 
digital pics and updates monthly and I will use that information to update 
the website.

For those of you out there that are restoring your cars from the ground up, 
I salute you. It has been a long road and I am finally at the point where 
the car is going to go in and get done. I have been quoted anywhere from 
12-14 months for the job and I am not in a rush. The car is going to be a 
black with red interior beauty and I look forward to the day when I pick him 
up. 43 days to go and counting.

So it begins. Thanks again to everyone who made this possible. Shari, Paul, 
Jon, Victor, Roman, Fergus, Les, Stan, Dean, Ross, Tom, Pam and many others 
deserve my thanks. I will have a signature plaque attached to the underside 
of my trunk lid. I will have all of you sign it.

Thanks for everything and looking forward to seeing it done,


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