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Mini SEROC meet - NE Florida

Subject: Mini SEROC meet - NE Florida
From: "sidney raper" <>
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 12:46:51 -0400
For all those in the North East Florida area, there will be a Mini SEROC 
meet.  It will be on May 11th at TJ's Italian restaurant.  This is actually 
a scheduled Cruise In by the First Coast Car council, and they don't know 
that I am going to horn in on their action.  All cool cars are invited, and 
what is more cool than a Roadster??  (Ok, there are a few, but let's not 
start that thread...)

Anyway, it is located in Fruit Cove Florida (just south of Jacksonville) at 
the intersection of State Road 13 (San Jose Blvd) and Race Track Road.  
Start time is 6pm and runs until 9pm.  I am planning to be there (child 
permitting) as it is only 1 mile from my house.  One other SEROCer has 
indicated that he will be there, so lets make a presence!  (Unfortunately, I 
would have to drag a car there - long story)


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