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TDROC or central Texas roadster get together?

To: <>
Subject: TDROC or central Texas roadster get together?
From: "Patrick J. Horne" <>
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 08:14:59 -0600 (CST)
Is anyone interested in getting together to visit and look over each
others cars? Terry Cost tells me that there is a group of car folks that
get together each Saturday evening here in Austin at the corner of Hwy 71
and Hwy 290, probably in the HEB parking lot. This is the same group that
used to get together in Round Rock.

I will be free on Saturday evenings starting the end of February and will
find out more information if anyone is interested.

I know of at least 2 folks that are interested in coming out and looking
at our cars so they can get a better idea of what they want to buy!


- Support Habitat for Humanity, A "hand up", not a "hand out" -

Pat Horne, Network Manager, Shop Supervisor, Future planner
CS Dept, University of Texas, Austin, Tx. 78712 USA
voice (512)471-9730, fax (512)471-8885,

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