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Re: Follow-up Battery Question and OT 2cents about SUVs and

To: Roadster <>, John Hogan <>,
Subject: Re: Follow-up Battery Question and OT 2cents about SUVs and
From: Mike Harper <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 05:55:12 -0800 (PST)
Hey Electrical gurus: Explain this to me.  A year or
so ago, I charged the battery on my 20 year old
Snapper LT-11 Lawn Tractor, as I must do several times
a year.  This time when I went to start it the starter
spun, but would not engage.  I rebuilt it, and it did
the same thing.  Tried Boosting, etc and no dice.

Finally realized the starter was turning backwards,
(polarity reversed). All I could figure was that I
charged the battery backwards????

New battery and everything worked fine.  So, what I
just read cannot apply to my lawn tractor, can it?

Mike Harper
'66 1600
'68 2000
All Negative Earth (I think)
Charleston SC

--- Roadster <> wrote:
> If they tried to jump it cross connected, there
> would likely to have been
> quite an eruption.  It would serve as a direct short
> across the batteries.
> As far as hurting the car, I doubt that anything
> would object.  Battery
> polarity doesn't effect anything other than the
> alternator and radio.
> Actually, the coil is polarity sensitive as well but
> requires long term
> running to cause any problems.  If the car were to
> actually start things
> could get interesting with the alternator.  The
> starter doesn't care.  It is
> a series wound motor and will run the same direction
> reguardless of
> polarity.  It can only be reversed internally.  I
> would suspect that the
> battery just lost level through normal means (ie:
> age) or they overcharged
> it and boiled it dry. Either way, sounds like a new
> battery is in order.
> Best regards,
> Fred Schroeder
> Denison, TX
> SRL311-13359
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