After weeks of having the Beast not liking me when it was cold in the A.M.,
I was finally able
to take her out for a spin.
Had 2 guys getting speeding tickets, point and gesture at the car about my
speed. Cops just
waved and kept writing the twits up.
Temp's in the low 80's, high thin clouds, nice breeze blowing. Perfect
driving weather.
The Miata weenies had their ragtops UP of all things, so did the Mustangs.
What's with this?
It's not raining, not overly hot. Wimps.
Had the really old Dudes give me the thumbs up, and the really old Ladies
do the "What is she
driving that" LOOK.
Nearly got rear ended by one woman driving a land yacht. Looked in the
rearview mirror, saw she could barely see over the wheel and was wearing
those BMF glasses the Docs hand out after eye surgery. Switched lanes like
right now. She stopped in the crosswalk, right after I moved. Where is a cop
when you need one. Roadster gods were watching out today.
Hopefully the weather is still nice tomorrow and can go out again. Top
Happy Roadstering
Pamela Bauman
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