In a message dated 12/2/01 7:30:50 PM US Mountain Standard Time, writes:
> List,
> Here's a mod I've never heard anyone talk airbag.
> Has anyone ever tried to add in a steering wheel that could contain an
> airbag? Since the cars are little and the SUVs are getting bigger it
> would be a nice safety mod. Any thoughts?
> Linda
If anyone is intent on keeping explosives next to their face in a small car -
why not just keep some hand grenades handy?? - it will probably be a more
"pro-active" stance against the size of SUVs. The $$ it would take to install
'bags would be better spend on defensive driving lessons and up-rating
Laurie :-)
(no-likey them air-bag thingys)
70 SPL311
Chandler, AZ
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