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It lives! (Again)

To: Datsun Roadster List <>
Subject: It lives! (Again)
From: Roadster <>
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 23:45:10 -0600
Finally got the new (re-cored) radiator installed.  $160 and they did a
beautiful job!  Took it out on several runs and pounded the snot out of
it.  Temp gauge is now right on the hash mark with 70 degree OAT.  As
this is where it has run for the last 28 years I feel confident in
saying that the over heating problem is now corrected.

It started running crappie on the last couple of runs.  It appears that
I failed to get the screws tight enough on the points. (IDIOT!!!) Having
reset the timing it now runs like it is on fire.  Soooo nice to have my
little toy back among the living.

I let our 12 year old son drive it around a deserted parking lot a few
days ago.  (Picture me in the passenger seat with my left hand, white
knuckled, on the hand brake!) He thought that he had died and gone to
heaven.  Another Roadster junkie in the making!  All he could talk about
was when I was going to give it to him.  I informed him that the only
way he gets the car is after I'm dead.  His only comment was "When will
that be?"  I do believe that I need to adjust that kids priorities!

Best regards,

Fred Schroeder
'70 2000
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