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Re: Datsun deadbeat on eBay

Subject: Re: Datsun deadbeat on eBay
From: Ryan Roswell Bird <>
Date: Thu, 01 Nov 2001 23:53:20 +0000
I purchased a speedo from a Bob Wright on eBay in June.  He lived in Utah at 
the time, and I was there on business that weekend.  I stopped by and picked it 
up without any problems.  He was on the list at one time and sent a few 
messages.  I hope it isn't the same Bob Wright, as I had only good experiences 
with him.

Ryan Bird
67 1600  (Lets not go into location)

Hey List:

Just a note to let everyone know that there is a guy on eBay selling Datsun 
Roadster parts by the name of Bob Wright who seems real content with taking 
your money, and not delivering on the goods. I purchased a Speedo from this 
clown back in August, and needless to say never received it, and my 5 email's 
have all gone unanswered. I also did a profile check today, and he has 16 
negative feedback's in the last 30 days for the same offense. 

His eBay name is "questol," so if anyone is in the process of buying anything 
from him, you need to beware. Also, if by chance anyone happens to know how I 
can personally, or PHYSICALLY get in touch with him I would be forever 
(I'm only out $36.00, but this guy ruined my perfect ebay record of 126 
transactions without having to give, or receive negative feedback.) 

As usual, buyer beware.

Huntington Beach, Ca
67.5 1600
67.5 2000

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