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Re:Re: Cleaning Aluminium/Silver pieces

To: "Roadster" <>
Subject: Re:Re: Cleaning Aluminium/Silver pieces
From: snyler <>
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2001 08:40:37 -0600
Roadster wrote

>Speaking of polishing the aluminum goodies, they tend to oxidize and 
>darken with
>age.  Has anyone tried clear powder coat?  I saw it on the Eastwood site the
>other day.  It should keep things shiny forever if the process doesn't 
>screw up
>the polish job. Just curious.
>Best regards,
>Fred Schroeder
I've wondered about this too.  Also, I'd be concerned that a highly 
polished part would be so smooth and slick that there'd be no tooth for 
the coating to hold onto  and the clear coat woulod peel like a Chevy 
Citation!  Anyone have any long term experience?


Marc Tyler TDROC Sisterdale TX
1970 1600 #SPL311-31016 "The Jaundiced Kid II"
1965 L-320 #L320 013642 "Domino"

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