I have spoken to Carol Dudley who is the President of ZONC. SHe has told me
that there is only a handful of spots open in the inside of the museum to
display original and excellant condition classic Datsuns. Then on the
outside of the musuem at the front entrance will be displayed more of the
nicer classic Datsuns. The ones that are clean but not completely original
or restored. As for the inside the museum cars ZONC has already chosen a
stock 67.5 2000 for display. I think we still need a stock 1600.
For the real ratty Datsuns there will be general parking just off of the
curbside area in front of the museum. Although I am not sure of what is
considered ratty or what disqualifies one from being placed i front of this
museum. But since it is being sponsored by Nissan and Behring they will
probably make many of the decisions.
Otherwise, I would advise everyone who is interestd in going, no matter the
condition of your car to get there early. It will be a huge turn-out from
what I understand.
Michael "Calspeed" Carion
ZONC SF Area Coordinator