Alan Bent wrote
>For those who don't know about the dangers of the dreaded plastic coated
>lines, here's the problem. Nissan fitted most (if not all) of their 1960s
>with steel brake lines that are covered with a protective black plastic
>Nissan no doubt thought that they were doing the right thing putting the
>on the lines to protect them from damage. The problem is that water can
>start to seap in between the steel pipe and the plastic, eventually this will
>cause the steel pipe to rust behind the plastic coating, eventually it
>will rust
>right through the pipe, leaving only the plastic to contain the hydraulic
Quick inspection didn't show any black sheathing, is this covering the
whole length of the tubing, or just hidden stuff beyond the firewall?
Marc Tyler
Sisterdale TX
1970 1600 #SPL311-31016
1965 L-320 #L320 013642
1965 L-320 Parts car