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RE: Stolen car woe's Help!!!

To: "'Eric R. Wittinger'" <>,
Subject: RE: Stolen car woe's Help!!!
From: "Ryan, Richard" <>
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2001 18:45:39 -0700
Settling insurance losses is all about negotiation.  You are asking all the
right questions of the list.   I can't help you there.

Their comment about comparative cars being out of state is wrong.  Those
comparisons are valid.

You do have some right to ask them to replace the car if they won't pay you
what you want.

Remember you didn't buy a collector car policy.  Those types of policies set
the value of the car before you buy the policy.  The policy you have covers
the fair market value of the car.  Therein lies the rub.  Fair market value
of a 1999 Civic is easy to determine, look in the newspaper want ads for
many offers to sell one.  There aren't many Roadsters as we all know.
Remember if the stolen car was a one year old one you paid $25K for, its
fair market value would be around $20K.  You won't get dollar for every one
you spent.

Some times TV and Radio stations have consumer help departments.  Contact
them for help.

As a last ditch effort you may contact the Insurance Commissioner of the
state you live in to complain.  Don't do this unless you have exhausted all
other avenues.  This could cause them to really dig in their heels.

Don't be in too much of a hurry.  If you are a thorn in their side and keep
after them sooner or later they will change their position.  The question is
how far will they move.

Good luck.

Dick Ryan  ex. 24022
Risk Management Dept. 
SM 2000/2
FAX (650)312-5830

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric R. Wittinger []
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 5:09 PM
To: Datsun Roadster
Subject: Stolen car woe's Help!!!

Hi List,

i am in need of some help / advice.

The problem the insurance company made me an offer on my car that was
stolen for a amount I do not feel is enough. I have turned in to them the
reciepts for the last 4-5 year (as long as I have owned the car) and the
reciept totaled $5500 + not including things like role bar, and other
oddities that I couldn't find reciepts for.

So what I am after is how to get more money out of them. The lady I am
dealing with is not being very pratical in my opinion, and is taking the
apprasers estmate as final word. So if others out there have advice or
even appriasels they have gotten and wouldn't mind sending me a copy to
send to the isnurance company that would be great.

Or if anyone has had a similar experience and what you did that would be

Insurance company: State Farm, it has been great untill this.
They offered me $4000
I wnat $5500 + Or for them to replace my car for me.

One other problem any car I found that seems equivalent is out of state
but they say that is my problem and won't pay for anything like that?



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