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OT Restoration Database Ready on CD

To: "Roadster Mail List" <>,
Subject: OT Restoration Database Ready on CD
From: "Matt Silvey" <>
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 08:08:58 -0700
Hello all,

For those of you that are or were interested in the restoration database
that I built, it is now on CD and comes with a runtime (read stand-alone)
version of Microsoft Access 2000.  The runtime version allows you to use all
aspects of the database but does not allow changes to the database screens
or reports.  In other words, it will work but you can't change the way it
looks or the way things print out.

This is what Gerardo Magana had to say about the database:
       I can't tell you how helpful your database was in
       keeping track of all the expenditures and parts that we purchased
during the
       car's restoration. I am still not done yet with the car, but will be
       the next year with final "Details".
         Gerardo & Christine Magana

And Daniel Beatty had this to say:

       All seems to be working on mine. I still need to enter in more info
       really give it a play.

You can see what the database looks like here:

If you are intersted in the program, send me an email containing you
complete name and address so that I can send you a copy of the CD and the
installation instructions.  There is no copyright on this so if several
people in one area would like it, please get together and install it off of
the same CD so that I am not sending out hundreds of CD's.  I am offering
this for free, but would like to try and keeps my costs down.

Additionally, if any of you are willing to copy and distribute this, please
let me know.  Daniel Beatty of NOWROC has offered as has Gerardo Magana in

Please only request a CD if you really plan on using it as every one I make
and send costs me about $2.  Then the time to go to the Post Office which is
that more difficult of the two due to the hours that I work.
Matt Silvey
'70 1600

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