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RE:New Roadster Website and Registry

To: Steve Allen <>,
Subject: RE:New Roadster Website and Registry
From: Roman Rist <>
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 14:34:58 -0700 (PDT)
My hat is off to Steve for taking on this HUGE project!

as some of you know I'd been doing a roadster registry for about a year
or so.

Well, I can tell you it is a hell of a lot of work!!!!!

you haven't heard much from me in a while....well, it is called life!
tends to get in the way of the other stuff we'd rather be doing.

long story short, I haven't done jack on the registry in at least 6
months..... the new blood is welcome..good luck with it.

I still have my website,

and catch some stray non list members from time to time, but overall
been pretty inactive.

The only one that seems to have endured is Mark Dent

you out there mark?

per prior agreement I will turn over my info collected to him for the site.
Steve, I would suggest hooking up to him in some fashion.

at any rate, I am passing the torch, or throwing in the towel, however
you look at it.


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