Yeah, this reminds me, I've been intending to lube my
tach cable for some time now. It works, but is real
bouncy at low RPM's (like at idle)., and I assume it
is just that the cable needs grease. Any pointers on
doing this without making a mess when it is
reinstalled and wants to leak all over my pants from
under the dash??\
Mike '66
Charleston SC
--- Gerardo Magana <> wrote:
> Hey there, Does any one know a good way to lubricate
> these gauges, They
> haven't operated in years and are about to be put
> back to use this week and
> I would like to make sure that I don't break them,
> especially the Speedo
> since its new.
> Gerardo Magana
> P.S. The last few pieces on the doors are going on,
> tomorrow will be a
> wiring day, changing the oil pan and firing up the
> car if time allows. The
> roadster is sure looking better every day, almost
> like new off the showroom
> floor!! The Solex carbs are on and fuel line hooked
> up. Just in time for
> Shasta I hope barring no unforeseen problems. This
> week will be muffler
> week, alignment week and a soft top If I can get it
> in time.
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