Sell it!!!!!! while you still have your sanity and money in the bank
----Original Message Follows----
From: "Diana Wilson" <>
Reply-To: "Diana Wilson" <>
To: <>
Subject: Choices...
Date: Mon, 04 Jun 2001 10:00:23 -0700
Last night as I was looking at the lake under my car...(Lovely Lake
how the sun twinkles off your darkened surface....ah, but I digress....)
I was pondering just why in the heck a novice like me got into a car
like this.
Anyway, I guess I'm going to get the little critter towed back for more
work and it makes me feel very...ok.../extremely/ edgy. I'm thinking
of marking this off as an unwise decision and selling him. Right now
he's not going anywhere...and I haven't decided what I'm going to do
but...I just wanted to share my embarrassment/frustration. ;P
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