G day,
I just wanted to thank those that checked out my web site and voted on
there favorite roadster (40+ votes). The low screens proved popular with
the low screen 68 coming out on top.
I have added some more things, not a whole lot more content but I'm working
on it.
* The survey for June is on braking systems.
* There is a new section on DSOA club runs with pictures (the ones I've
been to)starting off with the 'Garage Sale' at the end of may.
* I've added a tour of the site as well(not sure how useful that is yet)
If you have any suggestions let me know.
Ken Smart
67.5 1600 SR20 (still with leaky head)
Sydney Australia
Ken Smart
Technicial Officer Antenna Facilities
CSIRO TIP Radiophysics Laboratory
PO Box 76 Epping NSW 1710
Cnr Vimiera and Pembroke Rds Marsfield NSW 2121
ph: 61 2 9372 4576
fax:61 2 9372 4588