I thought I would sneak in a little thanks to folks on the list...as
it's being brought up about the whole 'buying beware'.
With a laundry list of things that my car will need come the fall (or
sooner...depending), and being a newcomer to these cars I'm in a bit
of a corner. I've spoken to a local restoration person who has warned
me away from listening to people on the list (Or Roadster club people).
However, how else is someone going to know what's a 'real' problem and
what's 'not' if you're only hearing answers from the same source. (A
source that comes along with a -cha-ching- sound. ;> ) Don't get me
wrong, I think that information is of great value also--but it's foolish
to just listen to one person and not explore other opinions. (Especialy
when you're like me...with a limited knowledge base to start with. ;P
Anyway, I'm not listening to that advice to -not- listen to folks here.
;P And I wanted to say that I don't think I would have gotten my car
without having people I could bug with question! :)
(And friendly folks too!)
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