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Re: 3.8

To: "Hall, Phillip" <>,
Subject: Re: 3.8
From: "Dave Stoll" <>
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 20:31:26 -0700
Last week at quiting time a co worker came back in the office with a
strange look on his face and announced there were 2 red roadsters in
the parking lot, one of course being mine.  I went out and there was
Millard Davis in his 3.8 conversion.  (Pictures were posted of the
engine comp. Last winter) The snow had finally melted and the lawn
dried enough for him to drive out of storage and show me he was on the
road.  As he left the parking lot he easily lit up the rear tire...
Phil- I hope you start saving used may need a couple...
----- Original Message -----
From: Hall, Phillip <>
To: Roadsters (E-mail) <>; Roadsters
(E-mail 2) <>
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 12:51 PM
Subject: SEROC and 3.8

> How many SEROCers does it take to screw in a light bulb - one, me -
I had to
> stay home and do it:-(
> Hey SEROCers - sounds like RA was a good one!  I want to hear more!
> Set the 3.8 Buick motor in Rusty.  Fit is good.  All that is in the
way is
> the steering column, but that will be straight forward to modify.
I am
> sourcing a bell housing for the T5 I picked up.  I plan on cutting
Rusty so
> everything fits then make templetes so the real frame will not be
cut too
> much.
> Phil

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