It was hypothesized:
> I think that the coolant lines actually cool the intake
> manifold....
No, no, no.
The engine induction system is designed to operate under certain
parameters, including temperature of the manifold. IF we are talking
about STREET applications (or for that matter something less than
a total redesign of the induction system), then trust the designers and
LEAVE IT ALONE (sorry for shouting, but what seems to be forgotten
is that for the most part the Nissan engineers truly did know what they
were doing, and did things for a reason).
For unmodified applications, you will HURT rather than HELP by doing
piecemeal alterations. The time the fuel charge spends in the manifold
is not enough to significantly warm the mix, but believe it or not, you
may start 'icing up' on a drive at 40-50 degrees outside temperature if
you don't preheat the manifold walls. (Icing up is when you freeze moisture
to the manifold walls, restricting the passages to the point of stalling the
engine. Evaporating gasoline gets COLD).
This was discussed a while back; it should be in the archives somewhere.
-- John
John F Sandhoff Sacramento, CA