I bought one of these tops, I think from Conneticut. I think I paid $135
plus shiping. It seems to be a good enough top but you do have to install
all of the snaps yourself. It took me about a full day to install. It is
cut properly, is of reasonable quality material, has the flap sewn in
covering the side of the bows near your head. I cannot speak to its
durability because mine only goes up if I am caught in the rain and while
in my garage in the winter. I didn't even do that this year. If you are
looking for a top for everyday use, buy from one of the Roadster vendors
and spend what it takes. This is light duty but works.
John Schmitt Telecommuter External # - 847-658-7074; Tieline - 698-9887
Internal phonemail only - tl-348-4725 or 240-4725 pager pin#