False logic--Craig you're completely discounting the value of the labor to
remove/store/ship all of those parts. The value of parts on the parts
market is always way higher than the value of those parts collectively as a
car. This is because parts available for sale are stored somewhere (on or
off a car) and are ready to be sent to a willing buyer. A parts car can be
a part resource, but to get the part-market value for each part involves
lots of time and labor--nearly always the most expensive cost to a business.
Perhaps you could go into business buying roadster parts cars and parting
them out, seeing as how all of these cars are discounted below their true
value. If you do, you'll find that our parts vendors (and Nissan,
considering the costs of 30+ years of storage) aren't making all that much
money for all that they do.
At 01:39 PM 1/4/01 -0500, C. Halsted wrote:
>thought I'd put in my own 2 cents on this one. let's consider a parts car.
>according to Old Cars Price Guide, last I looked, all 2000's were lumped
>together and they had condition 6 around $375. and condition 5 around $750. I
>think this is a bit off. take a rust bucket 67.5 Solex that needs a
>rebody....as parts value alone....
>$1,000 value of used solex setup and comp oil pan
>$ 500 rest of the engine (conservative)
>$ 350 transmission
>$ 100 driveshaft
>$ 500 gauges, radio console w/radio (priced a tach?)
>$ 250 top assembly
>$ 100 radiator
>$ 250 pair of decent rechromable bumpers
>$3,050. so far.
>let's relate all this to SRL311-00038, for sale in Chicago. it happens to have
>all of the above, in addition has a very good RR quarter and rear panel. add
>another $750. to the value list. obviously there are doors, hood, trunk lid,
>rear end, etc. anyhow, to those who would tell the seller that the car is only
>worth $1500-$2000, the fact that this is all it is worth to you personally
>does not mean it necessarily represents the value of the vehicle.
>off my soapbox for now,
>Craig Halsted