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Re: rear brake shoe springs

To: "Kelly Brown" <>, <>
Subject: Re: rear brake shoe springs
From: "William Hatfield" <>
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2000 19:10:56 -0700
Hi all:  Just a little hint that will save headachs later,  is to use
anti-sieze on the adjuster threads, sure makes it easier to adjust
later.     Bill    66&67spls in NM
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kelly Brown" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 4:45 PM
Subject: rear brake shoe springs

> I have not kept up with the mail I have been getting from the group.
> Too busy working on my roadster.  I have a question for the group
> regarding rear brake shoe retainer springs.  I want to change the
> and I am not sure if they were put on right to start with.  The
> have two springs to the inboard side of the shoes.  One spring is a
> solid spring for the whole length and the other spring has a section
> straight wire in the middle.  Does the spring with the straight
> go up by the adjuster or down by the wheel cylinder?  Also do the
> springs go on the inboard or outboard side of the brake shoes?  My
> apologies if this topic has already been covered by the group.
> Thanks for any advice
> Kelly Brown
> Medford, Or
> 1967 1600

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