I assume we make the check out to you, right? I want one.
Dick Ryan ex. 24022
Risk Management Dept.
SM 2000/2
FAX (650)312-5830
-----Original Message-----
From: Hall, Phillip []
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2000 11:29 AM
To: Roadsters (E-mail)
Subject: Fair Lady Books!
This did not get through the first time, so here it is again.
Hey great Roadster folks and SEROC, OROC, MADROC!
As you may know, I am coordinating the Fairlady book order for the East
Coast. I have been in contact with Phill Brook and he has given us a good
price on this most excellent book. The price will be $30.00 delivered to
your door. To get this price we need to order 21 books. I have received
more responses then this, so this should not be a problem. The price will
include: shipping, money transfer fees, repackaging, etc.. Please send a
check for this amount to the address below, I can get the books ordered. I
will hold the checks until they are all received, then transfer the money to
Phill Brook. Shipping from Australia will take 7 to 10 days.
If you know of others that may want a book and not on a computer, let them
know about Phill Brook's great achievement. Also, contacts for MADROC and
OROC please email this message to your guys. I welcome any and all orders.
Some of you may not have a ROC close. I guess you can be the OUTROC:-)
My address is:
Phil Hall
107 Terrapin Cr.
Huntsville, AL 35806
Phone: 256-721-6572 home, and 256-544-2525 work.
Feel free to call any time.
I would like to get the order to Phill Brook before Christmas if possible.
This will ensure we get our books shortly after New Years. A great way to
start 2001!!
I would like to thank everyone for their support - and Phill for making this
happen!! Finally a Roadster book - incredible!!