You can make one in 5 minutes or so.
Cut a flat piece of iron about 1-1/2 by 2 inches from iron strap that has
holes in it. Put it in a vise, and make two bends so it looks like a "U"
shape, with a hole in the base of the "U". Use a dremel tool or a file to
widen the hole into a diagonal slot. Place the bottom of the "U" against
the rear of the engine block over one of the convenient holes, with the two
edges of the legs sitting in between the flywheel teeth. Insert a bolt and
tighten a nut on it. The diagonal slot makes it easy to use this flywheel
lock in different positions around the flywheel.
Fred - So.SF
________________________ Reply Separator __________________________
>Subject: Re: FW: dropping things in the motor
>Author: Daniel E McHatton <>
>Date: 12/12/2000 11:07 AM
>I don't know if I would go with this method. Lots of companies make a
>tool that grabs a hold of the flywheel. It's a universal tool that
>works on any car. I bought mine at Summit. You also might find one at
>AutoZone that they will loan you. At AutoZone they have all kinds of
>tools that are free to use. Just leave a deposit and if you bring the
>tool back in the same condition it left, you get a full return on your