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RE: ZCCD Magazine

To: "'Gary Boone'" <>,
Subject: RE: ZCCD Magazine
From: "Laury, Victor" <LauryV@MTA.NET>
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 11:00:22 -0800
>Gary Boone wrote:Anyone heard the status of the ZCCD magazine?  I haven't
received any CD format issues.  Has anyone else?  The ZCCD web site is blank
and when I sent an email message to Marc Sayer to inquire, it was
undeliverable. Gary

I Like Marc. He's a nice guy and a great source of Datsun knowledge. It's
obvious that the ZCCD magazine is dead. I sent my check, just before it was
announced that he would switch to CD format. I was a little disappointed
because I like paper. I could also see the benifits of CD format. When the
CD expiriment did not happen, I was again disappointed. Oh well. I don't
expect my money back and I don't want Marc to go away. I've had lots of
failiures in my past and have lost other peoples money in the proccess. I
was supporting a Datsun Project and it didn't make. I don't feel that bad
about it.

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